Rightly Divide the Word of Truth
Rightly Divide the Word of Truth
2024-Q2-11 Lesson Review: The Impending Conflict
The Impending Conflict — Review of Lesson #11 of the 2nd Quarter of 2024 -
The Sabbath School Lesson study guide can be found here:
The title of this quarter's theme is: The Great Controversy
For the next 13 weeks (April to June 2024), we will take a look at how the Great Controversy, which ultimately answers the most questions about why everything we see around us today is the way that it is, and helps us understand how God has operated in the past, and will operate in the future.
If you have any questions or comments, please send them to: BibleQuestions@ASBzone.com
Related Documents:
- Summary of earth's final events
- The Great Tribulation & the Time of Trouble
- The Symbols of Revelation Chapter 13
- The Name, Number, Mark and Image of 'The Beast'
Related Podcasts:
- Counterfeit Exposed
- The Strange Beasts of Revelation 12, 13 and 17
- The Beast, the Mark, the Name, the Number and the Image
- It Is All About Worship
- End-Time Prophecy Primer
- Three Crucial Messages
- The Hour of His Judgment is Come
- Another Angel — Warning Repeated
- Everlasting Covenant
- Prophetic Time Has a Special Time Signature
If you have any questions or comments, please send them to: BibleQuestions@ASBzone.com
During many of our podcasts, you will hear us make reference to “The Key Principles of Effective Bible Study,” a document which outlines core concepts shown in the scriptures that will help you better understand many Biblical themes and doctrines. We have done a whole podcast series on these principles which can be found here (https://BibleStudy.ASBzone.com/357512/8572886).
God's Precious Word is a condensed, 9-part series, based on the same document.
Lastly, we recommend that you check out https://TrueWisdom.buzzsprout.com for a related Bible Study podcast, in a different format, co-hosted with Robert Baker.
We pray that all of these resources will be very helpful to you in your Bible Studies.